Monthly Archives: January 2019

Kilroy Was Here

When I was a kid, graffiti was found in a lot of places — admittedly, not nearly as many as today. Back then, if you ran across a dirty word, or phrase, the reaction was shock or a giggle (depending … Continue reading

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It looks like it’s getting to be Girl Scout Cookie time again. I remember when this time of year rolled around our house was filled with boxes and boxes of Girl Scout Cookies. Kelly was very active in Girl Scouts … Continue reading

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Keys to Heaven —or at least the Church

Yesterday, we celebrated Beer Can Appreciation Day and we noted that the first cans didn’t have pull-tabs, they had to be opened with a can opener — usually called a “Church Key.” Well, of course that got me to thinking, … Continue reading

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Beer Can Appreciation Day

Today is Beer Can Appreciation Day. On this day in 1935, canned beer made its debut. The Krueger Brewing Company, in partnership with the American Can Company delivered 2,000 cans of Krueger’s Finest Beer and Kruger’s Cream Ale to faithful … Continue reading

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Not counting January 1, I believe today (January 21) will be the first federal American holiday of 2019. January 15 is Martin Luther King Jr.’s actual birthday but because of the Uniform Monday Holiday Act passed by Congress in 1968, … Continue reading

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We Get Letters….

Here’s a couple of quotes from Republican Presidents of the United States: “I received a letter just before I left office from a man. I don’t know why he chose to write it, but I’m glad he did. He wrote … Continue reading

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Tin Can Day

A lot of people know that today is Popcorn Day — however, not as many know that it’s also Tin Can Day. That’s a real shame, because tin cans have been an integral part of our lives since the early … Continue reading

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Snow Ice Cream

Where I grew up in Oklahoma, we didn’t get much snow — I never saw a white Christmas until I was much older and had moved out of the area. On the rare occasions when we did get snow, my … Continue reading

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Rite of Passage

When I was growing up, one of the ‘rites of passage’ that almost everyone went through was a snipe hunt. In case you didn’t experience it when growing up, or don’t know what a snipe hunt is…. it’s basically a … Continue reading

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M, B & TP

They’re predicting snow here today — somewhere between 4 and 7 inches. When we lived in Vienna, the mere mention of (possible) snow sent everyone into a panic mode. If you went to the store, most of the shelves were … Continue reading

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