Monthly Archives: May 2012

How Long?

We recently replaced our air conditioner (for the upstairs.) Now our house is only 6 years old – why on earth should we need to replace our air conditioner so soon? We’d had a number of problems and the unit … Continue reading

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Anniversary Day

Today, May 22 is Anniversary Day – Both Kelly and Chris and Mike and Sue are celebrating today. I was an attendee at both weddings – if my memory serves me right, they were both very nice. Happy Anniversary Mike … Continue reading

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The retired space shuttle Discovery flew in to Dulles Airport on April 17. I didn’t drive down to see it, but watched it arrive on television. A number of years ago, when the Explorer (the shuttle that never went into … Continue reading

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Happy Birthday

There are a number of things that I want to discuss here, but things have been a bit hectic lately — hopefully I’ll catch up soon. But I didn’t want this day to pass without wishing somewhere between a third … Continue reading

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