Monthly Archives: May 2023

Fightin’ Words

On this day after Memorial Day, I was thinking about our last winter golf session. We always cover a number of subjects and one that seems to come up often in these sessions is “wars.” Of course there’s always been … Continue reading

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Memorial Day 2023

Every year at this time, Americans are called to pause to remember the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice in service to this country in wars both at home and abroad. People tend to think of the Memorial … Continue reading

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We went “shopping” a few days ago. I needed a couple of things that I use up and have to replenish from time to time — I was looking for furnace filters, some sandpaper and a particular type of finish … Continue reading

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Blame the Moon

Claire has a brother that believes the Moon affects the body even down to specifically what body parts are affected during various phases of the Moon and the Moon sign. Of course, he’s not alone — a lot of people … Continue reading

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Another Day to Celebrate

Today’s question is who invented wine? Even employing my extensive research techniques, I couldn’t come up with a definite answer — but whoever is responsible deserves some kind of award. Wine has certainly become a part of lives. One of … Continue reading

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5/22 AD (Anniversary Day)

Here it is May 22nd, or better known as Anniversary Day around here. If you’ve been following this blog, you know that both Kelly and Chris and Sue and Mike celebrate their wedding anniversaries today.  Mike and Sue were married … Continue reading

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One of Maysville High School’s most feared teachers was the high school history teacher. Her name was Miss Brown. Her first name was Jewel, but most people didn’t know that until after they’d graduated. It turns out, in hindsight, almost … Continue reading

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What’s in a Name

Yesterday’s blog was about someone called Brandon and how the name had become synonymous with a hidden meaning. There’s another name that I’ve heard a lot lately that seems to have joined a trend, especially on the Internet, of using … Continue reading

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We were in Winchester a few days ago and driving home I noticed several banners and flags bashing President Joe Biden using obscenities. Not that long ago, people displaying those flags would have been encouraged to remove them or maybe … Continue reading

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All Together

Well, it doesn’t happen often, but all the Moms in this family got together with all their kids on Mother’s Day. Rory and Ellie’s dance recital was held on Mother’s Day this year and Kelly and Emily were able to … Continue reading

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