Monthly Archives: July 2015

Not Just for Trucks….

When I was a kid and went to the movies, the “previews” of movies to come (and there were never more than 1 or 2 shown) were called “trailers.” Today, they’re still often referred to as trailers even though they’re … Continue reading

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The Flag

You’ve probably noticed that a lot of the news lately has centered on the Confederate flag. There’s always been a controversy over the flag, but it pretty much came to a head over the killings of nine black churchgoers in … Continue reading

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Events in Cleveland

The annual family picnic was held in Cleveland this weekend. I’m told there were a couple of Ohio residents that couldn’t attend, but otherwise it was well attended…. It was good to see and visit with all the family again, … Continue reading

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How Does Your Garden Grow?

We’ve had a lot of rain this year and everything in our yard has grown a lot. But it seems like the one thing that’s grown the most is the weeds. Everyone has this problem and if you look around … Continue reading

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Another Birthday

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It's March — Enough Already

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