Monthly Archives: January 2024


When I was growing up in Maysville, Oklahoma, everyone that lived in town, as well as a lot that lived outside of town, had to go to the post office to pick up their mail. I remember every sprig the … Continue reading

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I think I’ve mention in the past that when our daughter Kelly was little, she wanted ketchup on everything. Her opinion was — in fact maybe the opinion of most reasonable, intelligent people — ketchup was a miracle sauce. But … Continue reading

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Too Much Smarts

A few days ago, I wrote about being annoyed with the new “high-tech” gas cans. The old ones did the job they were designed to do, and did it well. I suppose it’s just the curmudgeon me, but I think … Continue reading

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Gasoline Alley

I guess generally companies that make things are of the opinion that the general population is getting dumber. I recently had my snowblower serviced in preparation for winter. Before I stored it in its “spot” in the garage, I put … Continue reading

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Four or More

A few days ago, the news was about a shooting at a university in Prague — 14 or so were killed and more than 25 injured. Another mass murder. And last night I watched part of a program about a … Continue reading

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New Book

Well, this first month of the new year is shaping up to be a busy one — maybe before getting too involved we should talk about one of my least favorite months — January. In leap years, January always starts … Continue reading

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Happy New Year

Well, here we go — new month, new year. January was named after the Roman god Janus — and as appropriate, Janus represented new beginnings. Interestingly, Janus was known as the protector of gates and doorways as well as symbolizing beginnings … Continue reading

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