Monthly Archives: December 2016

Happy New Year

Well, 2016 is coming to a close — about this time every year, I ramble on about the year ending and the year about to begin. 2016 was a really good year for me and I think for our families… … Continue reading

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Year in Review

If you check the entries on this blog about this time last year, you’ll find my annual post about New Years’s Resolutions. I always, or at least usually, make resolutions because that’s the thing to do. I probably will again … Continue reading

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Merry Christmas

We attended the “Winter” Sing at Emily’s school this week. Despite the title, it was Christmas songs. I suppose they would have shut the school down if they had advertised it as a Christmas Sing.  Anyhow, we had a great … Continue reading

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Is He Real?

Well, here it is less than a week until Santa arrives… I usually don’t do these things, but I think it’s my duty to alert any of you faithful believers that today’s blog may contain information that Santa Clause may … Continue reading

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Do They Really Know How to Fly?

Anyone that periodically checks this blog knows that its been a while since it was updated — around Thanksgiving, I think. Lot of reasons, none of which are especially exciting… just haven’t had the few minutes it takes to write … Continue reading

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