Monthly Archives: December 2017


I thought today would be a good time to site yet another example that our grandkids are probably the smartest kids in the world — I think they take after me…. A few days ago we were at Dave and … Continue reading

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Out with the Old — In with the New

Well, here we are again — the year is nearing the end and a new year is in sight. And of course you know what’s on my mind — new year resolutions. (Actually, that’s not what’s on my mind, but … Continue reading

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Not Even A Little Bit(coin)

I’ve been hearing a lot lately about something called “bitcoin.” I’m almost embarrassed to acknowledge that I really don’t understand bitcoins. A few years ago, I tried to keep up with most technical topics. Part of the reason, was because … Continue reading

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Wagons Ho

It goes without saying that things were different when I was growing up — with Christmas almost here, I was thinking about toys. When I was young, I had a lot of toys, but not compared to what the average … Continue reading

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I mentioned the last time I was here that there were a few events that I needed to catch up on… Both the faithful readers probably noticed that I didn’t include my annual Thanksgiving blog this year. There were a … Continue reading

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Same — Not Same….

This has been a really busy week and a half around our house… this blog should have been updated much sooner for a number of reasons, but that didn’t happen. I’ll try to cover all the important events over the … Continue reading

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