Monthly Archives: January 2014

Happy 4712

Well, here it is coming up on the next holiday we celebrate here in West Virginia — Chinese New Year. We always celebrate the new year by doing something special — even if it’s just going out to eat. A … Continue reading

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Thirty Years

Thirty years ago today, the Macintosh computer was introduced. I was fortunate enough at the time to be working in an office whose management was willing to explore new ideas and they willingly purchased a couple of the first Macs … Continue reading

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Cabin Fever

Well, it’s snowing like crazy outside and I’ve decided to not clean the driveway in shifts, but just wait for it to quit… which leaves me some time to either do nothing (I’m really good at it) or to just … Continue reading

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Tokens and Taxes

We attended a (late) New Years gathering yesterday afternoon and the subject of World War II came up. Someone was asking people’s age and what, if anything, they remembered about WWII. I don’t remember much, but I do remember rationing … Continue reading

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So Far, So Good…

Well, here we are well into the new year, and I’m right on track with my resolutions. Before I put them out of my mind until next year, I thought I should do some extensive research on the subject…. The … Continue reading

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