Monthly Archives: May 2013

Same — Not Same

A few days ago, the subject of this blog was compliments and how sometimes compliments didn’t come across as they were intended — even if the person doing the complementing was sincere. Given so many words in our language that … Continue reading

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The Eyes Have It

Claire had cataract surgery on Thursday. The good news is that she can see very well; the bad news is that when she asks me to do something, I have to be a lot more accurate. Cataracts are the most … Continue reading

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The Cow’s Tail Tells the Tale

Claire believes that cows can predict rain. Every time we go somewhere in the car, she notices if the cows are laying down — or not — and always tells me about the chance of rain. Lots of people scoff … Continue reading

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Happy Anniversary

Happy Anniversary to my favorite kid’s parents — Kelly and Chris!!! Love You Guys…. Dad

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We had our air conditioners serviced a few days ago — they don’t do much, basically just check the pressures and clean the coils. I was just thinking that when I grew up, we didn’t have air conditioning. We had … Continue reading

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I was working in the yard the other day and my neighbor pulled out of the garage — I waved at her and she waved at me and then honked her horn. I am at a complete loss as to … Continue reading

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I received a compliment a few days ago — at least I think it was a compliment. Someone said that I was doing pretty good for someone my age. I don’t think this was (at least not intentionally) a backhanded … Continue reading

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Herding Goats in the Sky

Both of you faithful readers may remember a blog a few years ago about goats from a neighboring farm wrecking havoc in our neighborhood. You’ll also remember that the hero of that episode was an Australian Sheep Dog named Ralphi. … Continue reading

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