Monthly Archives: June 2013

Big Brother?

Those of you that know my background won’t be surprised at what I think of Edward Snowden. In my book, he’s the lowest of the low — lower than used car and aluminum siding salesmen. I have absolutely no problem … Continue reading

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Two for One Day

Happy Birthday(s) Dave and Chassie…. Love Ya!!

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It’s a Southern Thing…. Maybe

While driving on a secondary road a few weeks ago, Claire noticed a sign indicating we had just passed the entrance to a plantation. We got to talking and neither of us knew the difference between a plantation and a … Continue reading

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A few weeks ago, while doing some work at our church, we had a “nuts and bolts” discussion (for those of you that don’t know, a nuts & bolts discussion is a very detailed discussion that gets down to the … Continue reading

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Memorial Day

The first Memorial Day weekend after we moved to Shepherdstown a few years ago, we drove by the local cemetery and there were Confederate Flags displayed on many of the graves. (Antietam National Cemetery is only a couple of miles … Continue reading

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Parachute for Sale: Used Once, Never Opened — Small Stain….

This past weekend, Deerfield Village, where we live, had a community-wide yard sale — everyone put things in their yards and driveways and (lots of) people toured the community looking for bargains. The sign in front of the village distinctly … Continue reading

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