Monthly Archives: June 2023

Let The Celebration Begin

Both you faithful readers know that this is one of the most anticipated times of the year around here. yea, it’s coming up on America;s birthday, but more importantly, for a few days to a few weeks we are treated … Continue reading

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Southern Talk

I mentioned a few days ago that growing up in the “south,” I used some phrases or expressions that seemed foreign to a lot of people after I left home and went out into other parts of the world. I … Continue reading

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Only Children Need Not Apply

I heard on the news last night that every living person who has served as President of the United States is descended from ancestors who owned slaves — except Donald Trump. I’m not sure why someone decided a study was … Continue reading

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The Rest of the Story

A little while back, the subject here was the guillotine and it’s rise to prominence during the French Revolution. I didn’t mention that a famous couple were executed with the popular new execution tool.  During the French Revolution, the French … Continue reading

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A Southern Thing

A few days ago the subject was about dog phrases or “idioms” that have made their way into our language. One that I mentioned was “that dog won’t hunt.” That’s a dismissive phrase used to mean that a particular idea … Continue reading

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Happy Birthday

Well today is Dave’s and Chassie’s birthdays and that means it’s only six months until Christmas. Both  faithful readers of this blog know that I’ve referred to Dave and Chassie as “Irish Twins” (because they share the same birthday) in … Continue reading

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Yesterday, one of the newscasters on the evening news said he was “dog tired.” I’ve heard that phrase most of my life (but not so much recently.) The expression means (to me anyway) being utterly exhausted and you just want … Continue reading

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Off With Their Heads

I read an article yesterday that said that Amnesty International had released its annual review of the death penalty. According to the report, recorded executions in 2022 reached the highest figure in five years as the Middle East and North … Continue reading

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I Wouldn’t Shop there….

A few days ago I read an article about early pioneers in aviation and it mentioned Charles Lindbergh’s famous flight. In case you don’t remember, in 1927, Lindbergh flew his single-engine plane, named the Spirit of St. Louis, non-stop from … Continue reading

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Welcome to the “real” start of summer….. today is the longest day of the year — well, actually it’s the day with the longest period of daylight. But anyhow, today is the summer solstice of 2023. The solstice happens at … Continue reading

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