Monthly Archives: January 2021


The word vaccination has appeared in the news multiple times every day for quite some time now. Most of us have been inoculated against various diseases starting when we were very young and we still get periodic inoculations or vaccines … Continue reading

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Dog Eat Dog World

When out kids were young, they both liked a book called “The Digging-est Dog.” I remember reading that book many, many, many times. I’m not sure why, but I thought about the book the other day when I saw a … Continue reading

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A New Beginning

January 2021 is kind of like leap year — it doesn’t have an extra day, but it has a special day. Every four years on January 20, it’s Inauguration Day. Inauguration Day 2021 (on Wednesday) will mark the 59th Presidential … Continue reading

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Moon Talk

We updated our “weather station” recently and it got a new icon showing the phases of the moon. Well, that got me to thinking about the moon — we have a pretty good view of the sky where we live and … Continue reading

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The Day After January 6, 2021

“The President is merely the most important among a large number of public servants. He should be supported or opposed exactly to the degree which is warranted by his good conduct or bad conduct, his efficiency or inefficiency in rendering … Continue reading

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Twelfth Night

Even though the “major” holidays have passed, it’s still the holiday season. Back in December, we talked about the 12 Days of Christmas. We’re coming up on the 12th Day, and 12th Night of Christmas. But when is the “Twelfth … Continue reading

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In With The New

It may be just a superstition, but I didn’t take any chances — I opened the door at midnight so 2020 could leave. We’re off and running in the new year and it’s hard to believe it’s been a year since … Continue reading

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