Author Archives: Jimmy


If any of you have lived overseas, you know that something we take for granted — dependable and fairly stable electricity — isn’t the norm in a lot of places. A number of places we’ve been it was necessary to … Continue reading

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9/11 was a reminder that the world is unpredictable, fragile and sometimes full of tragedy. Today, we remember the innocent lives lost, the heroes who stepped forward and the unity that carried us through.We honor — we remember — and … Continue reading

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When we moved to Shepherdstown, St. Agnes was in the process of building a new church building. Shortly after the building was occupied, I was asked to build some Bluebird houses to be installed at various locations on the grounds. … Continue reading

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I don’t mean to imply anything to anyone with this — I just think it’s an interesting quote from Desmond Tutu…..“When the missionaries first came to Africa, they had the Bible and we had the land. They said, “Let us … Continue reading

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I was helping my neighbor put new shutters on  his house and to get the old ones off, we used a small pry-bar that I’ve had for years. He said he should get one of those things and I asked … Continue reading

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A few years ago the musical Hamilton was very popular — might still be, I’m not sure. Anyhow, after seeing the play, I did a bit of research on Alexander Hamilton. I hadn’t though about it until a few days … Continue reading

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While continuing to clean out our library — to be sure we don’t have any “banned” books, I ran across an interesting little book about Alchemy.For thousands of years, maybe more, alchemists have had two goals — transmuting base metals … Continue reading

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Thoughts and Prayers

Well, once again, there’s been a school shooting — this time in Georgia. And once again we’ll probably hear that all our national leaders are shocked that such a thing could happen. And Congress will offer their thoughts and prayers … Continue reading

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I’ve been in a funk for a while now and sometimes I feel like I’m cursed. I really know that I’m not, but that got me to thinking about a lot of the “curses” I’ve heard about over the years, … Continue reading

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Scotland Yard

I know some things that I wonder about don’t seem important to a lot of people, but they must be important to me. Why else would I wonder about them? One thing I’ve wondered about for a long time is why … Continue reading

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