Monthly Archives: December 2010

Merry Christmas

Well, here it is time for my annual Christmas blog. Well, ok, maybe not annual, but I fully intended it to be annual – and after all, it’s the thought that counts – right? Anyhow, every year about this time, … Continue reading

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This is usually a busy time of year for everyone, but the newest member of our family, Emily, has been especially busy the past couple of months. Besides getting used to her new home in Leesburg and settling in with … Continue reading

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Kiss and Tell

Got a note from Nephew John that read, “Chris is baking Christmas cookies and the question of the day is what came first the chocolate chip or Hershey kiss? I am sure you will need to taste the cookies as … Continue reading

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Both of you faithful readers of this blog probably remember that on occasion I’ve mentioned the Oxforts – good friends of ours here in Shepherdstown. Winfried and Anne are from Germany and have lots and lots and lots of great … Continue reading

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