Monthly Archives: October 2020

Halloween — 2020

Today is Halloween — a Halloween like most, or all, of us have never seen before. Obviously, Covid-19 changes things dramatically, but there is a full moon on Halloween and of course today is Saturday, so you working readers can … Continue reading

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Poor Man’s Jet Lag

Well, it’s going to be a busy weekend around here — it’s halloween, OTBN, there’s a full moon and Daylight Saving Time begins, or actually, I guess it ends. Anyhow, along with everything else, we have to deal with changing … Continue reading

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It’s raining here today — I’m not complaining, it’s rained all around us this year but we have hardly gotten any. So I’m good with a dreary day as long as we get some rain. That’s a  word that I … Continue reading

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A few days ago Pope Francis endorsed same-sex civil unions. If I remember correctly, when Francis was archbishop of Buenos Aires, he endorsed civil unions for gay couples as an alternative to same-sex marriages.  I suppose this is a controversial … Continue reading

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Out for a Walk

I mentioned in this blog a few days ago that my iPhone tracks my steps — it’s been doing it all along and I wasn’t even aware it was happening. So just out of curiosity, I’ve been checking my phone … Continue reading

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About Time

Our grandson, Locke, is going to have a birthday soon — coming up on six years old! Claire has inquired as to what he’d like for his birthday, and at the top of the list seems to be a watch. … Continue reading

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Movie Night

I was reading the other day that one of the places, besides crowded bars and restaurants, to stay out of is movie theaters. That got me to thinking about movies when I was growing up. At it’s peak growth, Maysville … Continue reading

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So Far Away

This month is, obviously, October. There are a few traditional things we acknowledge and participate in every October, like Ten-Ten Day, Columbus Day, Halloween, etc. The past two or three years, we’ve also had another activity that we looked forward … Continue reading

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For someone who in the past found it necessary to keep up to date on the latest technology, I’ve found myself recently looking up technical terms and acronyms that I have absolutely no idea what they mean. This last week, … Continue reading

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In 1492….

Today is Columbus Day — a day that marks Christopher Columbus’ first voyage to America. He landed on the island of Guanahani in the Bahamas on October 12, 1492.  It only became a legal holiday in 1971 but before then, … Continue reading

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