Monthly Archives: December 2014

I Do Resolve Times Twelve

Well here it is that time of year when we all resolve to do better, do more, stop doing, do differently, or something else. It’s New Year’s Resolution time. Most years I’ve listed some or all of my resolutions here … Continue reading

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Just Talk

Hope everyone had a nice Christmas – we certainly did. Emily got an Elsa doll and of course it has batteries. It needs the batteries to talk and sing. If you think too many toys require batteries these days, you … Continue reading

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Let There Be Light

Claire just finished setting and decorating the table for Christmas dinner. As always, we have candles on the table. We have candles at other times, but I don’t ever remember a Christmas that we didn’t have candles. It’s not necessarily … Continue reading

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Merry Christmas

I’m sure somewhere along the way, I’ve managed to bash the United States Postal  Service in this blog. But today, they delivered a couple of pieces of mail that were very special. We received two Christmas cards; enclosed in one … Continue reading

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Only In America

I was helping a friend with a woodworking project a few days ago and we started talking about a recent experience we had both had with an individual from our church. We both agreed that we had both been fortunate, … Continue reading

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More Advice…..

I had intended to write this blog on National Grandparents Day – September 8th. Since I had just become a new grandparent, I figured it would be appropriate. I realize that Locke probably won’t look to his grandparents as his … Continue reading

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It’s A Locke!!

The big news is that we have a new addition to the family. I realize that John’s going to disappointed again that it’s not a puppy, but once again —it’s even better. Locke Archer Williamson now resides with Dave and … Continue reading

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