Monthly Archives: April 2022

A Record To Be Broken

I’m getting really tired of reading, and hearing, about the arguments in Congress. It sure seems as if all of the disagreements are based on “what’s best for me, or my party, the country be damned.”  You’ve probably gathered from … Continue reading

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Face Cards

A while back, I mentioned here that I enjoyed playing games with our grandkids. Most of the card games we play use unique decks for a particular game, like Uno, Crazy 8, etc. But sometimes we play card games using … Continue reading

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The Swoosh

I was given some golf balls last year — I never got around to opening the bag they were in before the weather got cold. A couple of days ago, in anticipation of good golfing weather, I decided to put … Continue reading

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Earth Day — 2022

Today (April 22) is Earth Day — a day when humans everywhere take a minute to be grateful for our planet and the amazing natural resources we’ve enjoyed…. at least so far. Earth Day was started in 1970 by Wisconsin … Continue reading

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Colonel Lee

A few days ago I blogged about Colonel Lee’s Mongolian BBQ — one of my all time favorite places from my past. It turns out that there really was a Colonel Lee and he really was a colonel — in … Continue reading

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Happy Easter! This year, in addition to Easter, the 17th of April is World Malbec Day. World Malbec Day is celebrated every year on this date… this year it happens to coincide with Easter World Malbec Day is an initiative … Continue reading

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Easter —2022

Today is Easter, celebrating Jesus’s resurrection — the foundation upon which Christianity was built. It’s obviously one of the most important Christian holy days, and like most special days, it has its traditions, symbols and customs. Many historians believe that … Continue reading

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Good Friday

Today, April 15 this year, is Good Friday. The day is observed as an occasion for fasting, reflection, prayer and solemnity by most Christians and Catholics. The date of Good Friday shifts from year to year — it all comes … Continue reading

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No Longer Fishy

When our daughter, Kelly, was little, she wouldn’t eat anything if it didn’t have ketchup on it. For years, a friend of ours always gave Kelly something for Christmas or her birthday that was in some way related to ketchup.  … Continue reading

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Mongolian BBQ

One of my favorite foods is Mongolian BBQ. It’s not something that’s available in our area, and in fact it’s hard to find in most places in the United States. I’ve had it in Hawaii, but it isn’t the same … Continue reading

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