Monthly Archives: February 2021


I think it was T. S. Eliot that wrote, “April is the cruelest month.” I don’t want to get into an argument with a famous writer, but I’m afraid I have to disagree — it’s not April, it’s February. Both … Continue reading

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And Also….

A few days ago, Claire said she was going to Costco later in the week and one of things she wanted to get was tuna fish. I’m not sure why, but it occurred to me when she said it, that … Continue reading

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Horsing Around

All through my growing up years, from the time I was very young, I always had a pet of some kind. Over the years I had more dogs than I can remember, cats, hamsters, chickens, ducks, a skunk, parakeets, squirrels, … Continue reading

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Happy Birthday

Today is George Washington’s birthday — well, one of them, anyway. I think we’ve touched on this before, but poor George has really had his birthday jerked around…. actually, for 47 of his 67 years, George Washington had two birthdays … Continue reading

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Since yesterday was Ash Wednesday, I hope wine wasn’t something you gave up for Lent. February 18 — every year — is National Drink Wine Day. Not that you necessarily need an excuse to drink wine, but why pass up … Continue reading

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Ash Wednesday

So — are you ready to give up caffeine, or wine, or ice-cream for 40 days? How about FaceTime? Giving these things up are hard, but Christians long ago used to give up a whole lot more. Today is Ash … Continue reading

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Fat Tuesday

Mardi Gras is always the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday. Mardi Gras means “Fat Tuesday” in French. With Ash Wednesday marking the beginning of Lent, a 40 day period of fasting before Easter, Mardi Gras is the “last hurrah,” with participants … Continue reading

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Presidents Day — 2021

Today is Presidents Day — originally a day to honor the nation’s first president, George Washington. Through the years, both George Washington (born on February 22) and Abraham Lincoln (born on February 12) have come to be honored on the … Continue reading

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Will You By My….

Last year at this time, we were still conducting all our traditional February celebrations in the usual way — including Valentine’s Day. As you know, we haven’t, for many, many years, gone out on Valentine’s Day. A long time ago … Continue reading

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Galentine’s Day

Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day, but today is not only Valentine’s Day Eve — it’s also Galentine’s Day.  It’s one of those made-up holidays that I never knew existed until recently. In fact, I don’t know very much about it…. apparently … Continue reading

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