Monthly Archives: November 2018

Amazing First Year

Talk about amazing facts….Today, two people had a birthday. But wait — those two people were not only born on the same day, they were born in the same city and  in the same hospital and… hold on to your … Continue reading

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Cowboys and Indians

Locke recently had a birthday and he received a pair of “cowboy boots” from his Auntie Dana. I put cowboy boots in quotes because that’s the only thing they’re called in Texas and Oklahoma. I’ve heard them referred to as … Continue reading

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Wiley and Me…. and Burford

Both faithful readers of this blog are aware that Maysville, Oklahoma is well known because of two famous past residents — Wiley Post and me. However, few people, even the faithful readers, know that Maysville is well known for another … Continue reading

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We live out here in the wilds of West Virginia — a lot of our friends and relatives that have never visited us believe we really live in the boonies. But the fact is, it is a very nice place … Continue reading

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The American Way

As every good American should, I did my civic duty yesterday and voted. A lot of people did — everyone should. Unfortunately, yesterday, as in years past, I found myself voting against candidates. I look forward to the day that … Continue reading

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The news has been full of stories about “bombs,” assignations, mid-term elections, and the usual violence on various city streets, but the President seems intent in focusing our attention on immigration. I don’t know about you, but I’ve heard so … Continue reading

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