Monthly Archives: September 2015

Broomcorn Johnnies

My sister visited recently from Oklahoma. Sometime during the course of her visit, the term “Broomcorn Johnny” came up. When I was growing up, every year Maysville had an influx of “Broomcorn Johnnies.” They set up camp just outside town … Continue reading

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Say Cheese

We recently went to a restaurant to celebrate Anne Oxfort’s birthday. We sat in a room with a long table occupied by elderly ladies obviously celebrating something. When they were getting ready to leave, some of them were taking pictures, … Continue reading

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Made — Not Begotten

A little while back, I blogged about a discussion with a friend about the word amen. During that same discussion, while we were defining terms, begotten or begot was mentioned. My friend was of the opinion that begot essentially meant … Continue reading

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