Monthly Archives: September 2016

Time to Move On — Next Topic

Ok — enough on this texting topic already. Just a couple more points and I’ll put it to rest. You know I’m not a big fan of texting, but I’m coming to accept it… that doesn’t mean a lot of … Continue reading

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The Eyes Have It

For the past few years, we have participated at our church on occasion by helping the priest distribute Communion. Now that you’ve gasped, and re-read the sentence, we can get on with the subject of this blog. No, it really … Continue reading

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Missed It — Period

As you probably know, I just celebrated my most major of all holidays — Talk Like a Pirate Day. Another holiday has just passed — National Punctuation Day. If you were reading this blog a year ago, you know that … Continue reading

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Ahoy, Me Hearties!

As you probably know, I be a big fan of holidays. Me usually has a glass of wine, or other special grog on holidays — so me rarely lets any holiday go by unnoticed. But today be my most favorite … Continue reading

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I’m certainly in no position to refer to anyone as stupid. But I’m also not running for public office — especially not the President of the United States of America. As you’ve gathered from some of my recent entries, I’m … Continue reading

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Heaven Help Us

I watched the Commander-In-Chief Forum last night. A lot of the news coverage this morning seemed to focus on what a bad job Matt Lauer did as moderator. Maybe they weren’t watching the same forum that I was. I think … Continue reading

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Thirty — and Counting

I often mention “both my faithful readers” in this space. It turns out that both of them live in Cleveland. They both work for the same company, they drive the same kind of cars. They both live in the same … Continue reading

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No More for a Couple of Years

I’ve mentioned the olympics a few times lately and now that they’ve been over for a while, I thought I’d actually blog about them. I wound up watching more of them that I had anticipated and it was nice the … Continue reading

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