Monthly Archives: August 2015

Every Dog Has Its Day

Since my last update was about cats, and I don’t even especially care for cats, I thought I’d give equal time to something I do care about — dogs. There have been a number of dogs in my life. In … Continue reading

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Does Meow Mean Woof in Cat??

We have a cat that lives next to us. I’m surprised he’s still alive considering all the potentially life-ending experiences he’s gone through just since I’ve known him. Maybe there really is something to the saying that a cat has … Continue reading

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I Need a Drink….

We went out to dinner at one of the nicer restaurants here in Shepherdstown a couple of nights ago. I ordered a glass of wine and was asked for ID. Actually, it kind of made my day. It turns out … Continue reading

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Amen is a word that we’re all familiar with and it’s usually used at the end of a prayer, especially in church. But a few days ago, we had a discussion about what amen really meant. I thought it came … Continue reading

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There’s an old saying that it’s better to be lucky than good. I guess I mostly agree with that, but sometimes I find myself noticing that some people are “lucky” more than their fair share of the time. So that … Continue reading

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Em, Em the Dancing Machine

Emily has been attending Dance Camp this summer and Friday we attended her “recital.” There must have been about 20 or so in her class and they all did a great job — of course Emily did much better than … Continue reading

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