Monthly Archives: August 2018


Since the news of the scandal in the Catholic Church in Pennsylvania broke, there’s been a lot of talk about reforming/modernizing… Way back in the 60s and into the 70s, a Mass called the Folk Mass was somewhat popular in … Continue reading

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Back to School

Our Number One (first born) grandchild started school a few days ago — third grade already! We’ve been fortunate to attend “grandparents day” at her school the past couple of years and I was thinking the other day about sitting … Continue reading

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I’ve heard it said that democracy is an experiment. I’ve also heard it said that life is an experiment. And I’ve heard that they both ultimately end in failure. When life ends — we say, “that’s life.” When democracy ends … Continue reading

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Another Way…

We visited Dave and Chassie yesterday, and as always, I’m amazed how the art of raising children has changed. I admit that I’ve become a little old fashioned in the way I do things and am becoming slower to pick … Continue reading

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This Day in History

Today is the 13th of August. It’s kind of a special day. I know, you’re thinking that it’s special because on this date in 1960, the first two-way telephone conversation by satellite took place (via “Echo I”) I agree that … Continue reading

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Shake On It

We went to church this weekend and like always, during the service, there’s a time when we offer each other a “sign of peace.” That involves shaking hands. We usually sit in the same place in church and usually shake … Continue reading

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As both you faithful readers know, I don’t like birthdays. Specifically, I don’t like my birthday. I don’t really know why, I just don’t like my birthday — never have, even when I was a kid. I don’t think its … Continue reading

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Those of you old enough to remember will recall that the TV show “Hawaii Five-0” currently appearing (on CBS, I think) isn’t the original show about the police force in Hawaii. The original show premiered in the 1960s — and … Continue reading

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Fraidy Holes and Pallets — what the Tarnation…

A couple of days ago we stopped by some friends house for a few minutes. They had just returned from a short trip to Maine. During our conversation, they mentioned being amused by some of the terms and phrases used … Continue reading

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