Monthly Archives: April 2019

And the Winner is….

Since our Grand-Twins (Rory and Ellie) were born, almost a year and a half ago I’ve thought it will be interesting to see how they develop. They’re identical — in looks — but of course they’re each their own little … Continue reading

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More Coffee, Please

In the late 1960’s, we were working in Nicosia on the island of Cyprus for a week or so. We stayed in a very nice hotel — the staff seemed extremely nice and the service was excellent. After we’d been … Continue reading

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Dem Bones

It seems like for just about the last year, it’s done nothing but rain around here — the ground is so saturated, that just a little bit of rain sends water across the road in low spots. But we’ve actually … Continue reading

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Easter in Shepherdstown

We celebrated Easter here in Shepherdstown this year — maybe the best one ever. Our entire family showed up… along with the Easter Bunny. It was “especially” special because it was the first time all our Grandkids were here at … Continue reading

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Happy Easter

When I was little, a lot of years I got a live bunny or maybe a baby chick or duck for Easter. I don’t remember the bunnies being any color except white, but the chicks and ducks were often some … Continue reading

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Good Friday

I think I’ve blogged about this in the past, but today is Good Friday. I’ve always wondered why it’s call Good Friday. This is the day when Christians commemorate Jesus Christ’s crucifixion. According to the Bible, all sorts of terrible … Continue reading

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I’ve mentioned several times lately that there seems to be a big increase in conspiracy theories and rumors — even about some pretty mundane things. Things that make you wonder why even bother to make something up about them because … Continue reading

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When I answer the phone, I usually say, “hello?” I think most people do. We really don’t think about it, it’s just instinctive… hello is just “what you say” when you answer the phone. Why is that? Well, it turns … Continue reading

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Fruit of the Vine

There’s been a lot of discussion here (on this blog) lately about Prohibition. It was certainly an interesting time in our nation’s history. When I was growing up, I’m pretty sure Prohibition would have been viewed as a good thing … Continue reading

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Beer Day

If you’ve recovered from last night’s New Beer’s Eve, it’s time to celebrate Beer Day. To recap, National Beer Day is celebrated in the United States every year on April 7, marking the day that the Cullen-Harrison Act was enacted … Continue reading

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