Monthly Archives: January 2013

Got Milk?

The last time I updated this blog, I wrote about wondering about insignificant things. One thing I could have included in the “wonder why” update is why does milk come in square containers and (most) other liquids and drinks come … Continue reading

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Just Wonderin….

The other day I wondered out loud — well, actually I wrote it down in this blog, about why people would park their cars — worth thousands of dollars outside and use their garages as a place to keep (mostly) … Continue reading

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Garages Aren’t Just for Cars Anymore….

Just saw some e-mail traffic about people not parking their cars in their garages. Some people seem to think the neighborhood is beginning to resemble a used car lot. It’s always been a puzzlement to me why people leave cars … Continue reading

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No Intention to Discombobulate….

You old time faithful readers may remember about a year ago when I researched, and commented on, the word poop. Dave had used it in “The Puppy Files,” and I thought it was a funny word. I don’t know why, … Continue reading

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Super Bowl or Super Bust

Usually around this time of year, I’m a little sad the football season is ending and there’s not really any more sports activity on TV that interests me and it’s too cold to get outside much. This year it’s same, … Continue reading

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True Wealth

I read an article in a recent AARP publication recently that discussed calculating your true wealth. That got me to thinking about “wealth.” If you look up wealth in the dictionary, the definitions become fairly complex, but the bottom line … Continue reading

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Four is Enough

We’re having people over on Sunday. When Claire told me about it, it occurred to me it was January 20th — Inauguration Day. Then I realized it was Sunday and I remembered that they don’t hold the Inauguration on Sunday. … Continue reading

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Arm-strong or Head-strong

I read that Lance Armstrong has now completed his interview with Opra and has “confessed” that he used performance enhancing drugs. This is one of those incidents/stories that I really wanted to turn out differently. Unfortunately by now, the story … Continue reading

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Boxing Day — Not Just for Boxers….

In one of his earlier comments, John asked about the tradition behind Boxing Day in Canada. Boxing day is a holiday celebrated not only in Canada, of course, but in many other countries such as the UK, Australia, New Zealand … Continue reading

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Worry Worry Worry

Well, since the Mayan calendar proved to be wrong, I’ve been worrying all year about what to worry about. Seems like you should always have some sort of doomsday scenario tucked away just in case you feel the need to … Continue reading

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