Monthly Archives: September 2021


In a normal year, Oktoberfest would be winding down just about now, but even with the 2021 Oktoberfest cancelled, we’ve still got today — National Drink Beer Day.  Beer continues to be the world’s most popular adult beverage. I think … Continue reading

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Confucius Day

Today, September 28 is Confucius’s birthday. Historians believe he was born in 551 BC and was 73 years old when he died in 479. Confucius is China’s most famous philosopher and is a popular Chinese figure today. He was a … Continue reading

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Crush a Can

Today is National Crush a Can Day. The day was created to help educate people about the benefits of recycling. A couple of guys I play golf with always crush their beer cans before tossing them — they seem to … Continue reading

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Dumb Questions

I’ve heard pretty much my whole life that there’s no such thing as a dumb question. I remember in grade school one of my teachers always telling us that the only dumb question is the one that goes unasked.  When … Continue reading

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Moon Festival

Well, I guess I can maybe chalk it up to age, but i don’t seem to be a able to keep track of things like I used to. I completely let something slip by a couple of days ago that … Continue reading

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It’s About Time

I’ve alway liked clocks. I suppose I could tell quite a few “clock stories,” but I won’t — at least not now. A few weeks ago I got a clock, from Anne, for my birthday. It’s very small in a … Continue reading

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TLAP — 2021

Avast me hearties!! Happy Talk Like A Pirate Day!Me most favorite of all me favorite holidays — there’ll be the usual Hornpipe ceremony later today and, as usual, when we show up at ye ole’ neighbors’ house for a grog, … Continue reading

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I’m not sure I know what “normal” is anymore, but if things were normal, today at promptly noon, Oktoberfest 2021 would begin — and end on Sunday October 3rd. The dates for Oktoberfest are always different, but it always starts … Continue reading

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Constitution Day

Today is Constitution Day, also known as Constitution and Citizenship Day — a day that honors the document that guarantees Americans their essential rights. Since 1787, the Constitution of the United States has served as the basis for all U.S. … Continue reading

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A couple of weeks ago, Locke, who just started first grade was exposed to his first “lockdown drill.” In today’s world, these drills have just become part of life. Those that were in school during the cold war remember the … Continue reading

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