Monthly Archives: April 2023

Sticky Situation

The news has been full of lots of disasters lately…. the earthquake in Turkey and Syria, the train wreck and fire in Ohio, near the Pennsylvania border, and “locally,” there has recently been a number of trucks carrying hazardous material … Continue reading

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Dark Ages

I recently heard a politician on TV refer to the “Dark Ages.” I’ve often heard of the Dark Ages, but I guess I never really knew when they were, or how long they lasted, or really, what made them “dark.”  … Continue reading

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Pretzel Day

Today is National Pretzel Day. Why? Well, when you think of all the things that have their special day, the question should be why not?  Most everybody likes pretzels — almost every little kid likes pretzels, they go good with … Continue reading

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Going…. or Gone

This is one of those blogs where you’re gonna go, “oh, man, here he goes again.” But that’s just one of the things we curmudgeons do, so if you don’t want to waste your time, maybe check back later…. Yesterday, … Continue reading

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Earth Day

I just heard on the news that the crazy/unusual weather patterns we’ve been seeing lately are the new normal — weather events are expected to be more violent from here on…. I guess those “lazy, hazy days of summer’ are … Continue reading

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A few days ago, we went to Costco and we picked up some toilet paper for our friend Anne. Like just about everything you buy at Costco, there was a lot of toilet paper. I don’t know how many rolls, … Continue reading

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When the Rubber Hit the Road

Back in the 1960s I was in Monrovia, Liberia and found myself waiting for equipment to arrive from the United States to finish a project I was working on. Since I had a few days of slack time, I visited … Continue reading

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Midnight Ride

248 years ago today, a respectable Boston silversmith made a fateful ride….Listen, my children, and you shall hearOf the midnight ride of Paul Revere,On the eighteenth of April, in Seventy-five;Hardly a man is now aliveWho remembers that famous day and … Continue reading

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I think I’ve mentioned before that our niece and nephew, Sue and Mike, have taken up Archery. I thought of them when I recently noticed a documentary on the longbow — I think it was maybe on PBS. I didn’t … Continue reading

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Rabbit in the Moon

A few days ago, I mentioned some people think that if a full Moon falls on certain days of the week, it’s lucky — or maybe unlucky.I know I’ve blogged about this before, but since ancient times, moons and full … Continue reading

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