Monthly Archives: February 2022

Good Riddance

Hey February, I can’t say it’s been a pleasure, but I’m ready to move on. I must confess that February brought back a little bit longer days, but I’m ready to say farewell to the month with my annual “good … Continue reading

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A few days ago the subject here was Internet “shorthand,” and I pretty much admitted that it was one of those modern trends that I simply didn’t understand. The subject came up because I was “cleaning out” my phone in … Continue reading

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OTBN (Officially)

Both regular readers and some others know that we we celebrate OTBN every month and it’s something we enjoy and look forward to. But officially, OTBN only occurs once a year — it is officially celebrated on the last Saturday in … Continue reading

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We’ve got to get new iPhones — we have iPhone 7’s and think the current generation is iPhone 13, or maybe 14. Anyhow, in anticipation of getting around to upgrading, I was deleting a lot of old text and e-mail … Continue reading

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There are a lot of reasons that I don’t particularly like February — it’s certainly near the bottom of my list of favorite months. But even so, there are a few reasons to keep it around, like Chinese New Year, … Continue reading

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Holiday of Choice

Today is President’s Day. I usually write something every year on President’s Day and over the years a lot of the information is repeated because there’s only so much you can say about one subject, but I think it’s important … Continue reading

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Red — or White

Every day there’s something (actually, a lot) to be thankful for — today I’m particularly thankful that I don’t suffer from Oenophobia. Why? Because that is a fear of wine — and — today is National Drink Wine Day. We … Continue reading

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Today is pretty much the “closing ceremony” for the Chinese New Year activities — it’s the Lantern Festival. People eat Yuanxiao (a rice ball stuffed with different fillings) and watch lanterns. It is the first significant feast after the Chinese … Continue reading

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All You Need is Love….

Today is Valentine’s Day — both readers know that we don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day. Well, that’s not exactly true… we don’t celebrate Valentine’s Day on Valentine’s Day, we do it a day or so before or after. If you don’t … Continue reading

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Super Bowl LVI

Today is Super Bowl Sunday. Hopefully, it’ll be as good a game as most of the playoff games turned out to be. One thing is certain — a lot of people will tune in to the Super Bowl… even a … Continue reading

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