Monthly Archives: October 2023

Turnips to Pumpkins

Here it is Halloween already. Halloween, traditionally called “All Hallows Eve,” is celebrated on the evening before the  Christian holy day of All Hallows’ Day, or as most of us know it, All Saints Day. All Saints Day is November … Continue reading

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Carrying on the Tradition

Check your doorbell and be sure it’s working — it’ll get a workout tomorrow night. It’s Halloween and, of course, the night for trick or treaters.  Trick or treating has been around since the time of the Celts 2,000 years … Continue reading

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Claire came down this morning wearing a shirt that said “MABUHAY” over a picture and “Philippines” under the picture. That shirt is probably 50 years old. I hadn’t seen it in a long time…I also hadn’t though about Mabuhay in … Continue reading

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A Night for Hunters and Witches

This month’s full Moon occurs tonight, October 28 — peak illumination will be at 4:24 p.m., Eastern time. This month’s full Moon is usually called the Hunter’s Moon and the name makes sense because game animals, especially deer, turkeys and … Continue reading

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Ready For Some Baseball

Tonight is the first game of this year’s World Series. I can’t say I’m particularly excited about it, but I’ll probably watch at least some of it — after all, it is the World Series. The Arizona Diamondbacks vs. the … Continue reading

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Fall Classic

Well, it’s that time of year again — time for the World Series! As I’ve mentioned before, when I was a kid, the World Series was a big deal. Most everybody talked about it and all the radios were tuned … Continue reading

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Áo Dài

Watching TV a few nights ago, we saw someone wearing an áo dài (“owzeye”) — the native dress of Vietnamese women. It caught our eye because it had flowers, or some design on it — we both remembered them  usually … Continue reading

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United We Stand

United Nations Day, on October 24, marks the anniversary of the day — in 1945 — that the UN Charter went into force. The charter was ratified by the majority of its signatories, including the five permanent members of the … Continue reading

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Ring of Love

The subject of weddings has come up recently, and I got to wondering about wedding rings. I’ve worn mine for more than 50 years — Caire lost hers a number of years ago, and it was replaced with other rings, … Continue reading

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Out of the Closet

I was throwing away a couple of old books that had been in our basement for I don’t know how long, and as I flipped through one of them — it contained article from, I think, an old Readers Digest, … Continue reading

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