Monthly Archives: November 2021

Happy Birthday Rory & Ellie

Happy 4th Birthday to my favorite Twins — Rory and Ellie!!! The visit with Grammy and Poppi is over…. back home just in time to celebrate their 4th birthday in Fairfax. Bet it’ll be a fun day…..— 30 —

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First Thanksgiving…. in a long time

Well, here it is just about Thanksgiving already. This will be the first Thanksgiving in a long time that all our kids and grandkids are coming to our house. Obviously, we’re looking forward to their visit and having all the … Continue reading

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Sleep Over

Our Thanksgiving guests have arrived — Rory and Ellie chose to share a bed. I’m pretty sure this is the quietest our house will be for the next several days.— 30 —

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Blood Moon — Almost

Starting early this morning and tonight is November’s full Moon. An added bonus is that there was also a near-total eclipse of the Moon. The eclipse was supposed to be visible  from most of North America.  November’s Moon is often, … Continue reading

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Love Potions

Love potions have been the stuff of history and legend since ancient times. These elixirs, designed to allure, played a major role in both Greek and Egyptian mythology. The potions have long been credited with having magical influences over the … Continue reading

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A few days ago, I received a really nice gift from a friend. It was a “Golfer’s Hip Flask” — really nice, it came in a leather case that held a divot tool, ball marker and wooden tees. I have … Continue reading

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Veterans Day — 2021

Today is Veterans Day — a day to honor all those who served in the United States Armed Forces. Memorial Day honors those who died while serving.  Veterans Day is an annual holiday on November 11 — it’s celebrated on … Continue reading

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New Eyes

For a number of reasons, I’ve been tracking the development the new space telescope for a few years now. Finally, on October 12, the Webb Telescope arrived in French Guiana via ship. The telescope is the world’s largest space telescope. … Continue reading

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Happy Birthday Locke

Today is my favorite grandson’s birthday — Locke is seven years old. They say that grandchildren don’t stay young forever… that’s probably good, because Poppi’s only have so many horsey rides in them. But even so, grandkids grow up too … Continue reading

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Guy Fawkes Day

Guy Fawkes was born in 1507 in York, England. He was a member of a prominent Yorkshire family and a convert to Roman Catholicism. Due, at least partially, to his adventurous spirit and his religious zeal, he left Protestant England … Continue reading

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