Monthly Archives: January 2016

Backwards Day

Well, here it is another holiday that Congress has chosen to ignore — it’s Backwards Day. As you might have guessed, it’s a day to do everything backwards. I suppose if you properly celebrate it, you’ll have dinner as soon … Continue reading

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Thirty Years Ago

Thirty years ago today sometime close to noon I was in my office when Linda St. John burst through the door screaming that it had just blown up and they didn’t even know where they were… The incident that Linda … Continue reading

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Last week after church I wished a friend a belated happy birthday. Her birthday was during the week and I obviously hadn’t spoken with her, or sent her a card, on her birthday. Later I got to thinking about that … Continue reading

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The Blizzard of 2016

We’ve just gone through a pretty big snow storm here in Shepherdstown. The “official” total for Shepherdstown was 40.3 inches. It fell (continuously) from about 1:00 pm Friday until sometime early Sunday morning. A lot of people made extensive preparations … Continue reading

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Happy Handwriting Day

Today (January 23) is Handwriting Day. It’s celebrated every year on the 23rd — not coincidently, it also happens to be John Hancock’s birthday. His prominent signature on the Declaration of Independence has become synonymous with signatures in general. How … Continue reading

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When the cows (won’t) Come Home

While sitting here waiting for the big blizzard to hit — and the blizzard is obviously the big news, I checked our local news sources and discovered that besides the blizzard there are other important issues to be worked. The … Continue reading

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It’s not a Duty… It’s a Privilege

I’ve been a registered voter for more than 55 years and until this week, never been called for jury duty. I was selected to serve as a Grand Juror for the Jefferson County Circuit Court in West Virginia. For some … Continue reading

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Missed Opportunity?

Tomorrow is the start of the first long weekend of the year. The first Federal holiday after New Year’s Day is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. The holiday is observed on the third Monday in January. Much of the time … Continue reading

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How Old is Old?

Recently a number of conversations with various people have at least touched on the subject of age. It’s always a little disturbing to learn that you are older than someone’s mother or father — especially if you thought that person … Continue reading

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