Monthly Archives: October 2017

Older…. Wiser?

I’ve heard it said that it’s not particularly hard to run a mile… just set an easy pace and jog along until you’ve gone a mile. If you want to run a fast, or competitive, mile — that’s a different … Continue reading

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Brace Yourself

As time passes, some things change — actually almost everything changes. That includes our language and the way we speak, or maybe don’t speak so much anymore. This weekend at church an elderly man that usually sits in front of … Continue reading

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I Don’t Know….

I never grew up wanting to be a “boss.” It was never my desire to order, or even direct, people. But as it turned out I found myself in the leadership position of a number of groups over my working … Continue reading

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May I Help You?

I was talking to Siri on my iPhone earlier today and later got to thinking about talking to a machine. When I was a kid any machine that talked was pure science fiction and usually it was just described in … Continue reading

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Snow-Cone King

One summer a long, long time ago a traveling carnival came to Maysville, Oklahoma. Since it was late summer, Maysville was probably their last stop for the year. When the carnival left town, the lady (and her son) who sold … Continue reading

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Ten-Ten Day

Well, here it is one of those holidays that we faithfully celebrate every year – Ten-Ten Day. Both the faithful readers know all about it — that it’s Taiwan’s Independence Day. As a way of background, in case you don’t … Continue reading

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Chinese Time

I was fortunate(??) enough to be one of the first Americans in china when the U.S. was in negotiations to re-establish diplomatic relations with mainland China in 1972. I traveled to China from Manila in the Philippines. I Flew to … Continue reading

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