Monthly Archives: May 2015

Tigers and Dogs

A day or so ago when we were playing golf, someone that played with us for a while last year was mentioned. A couple of people said that they thought the reason he wasn’t playing (with us) this year was … Continue reading

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Memorial Day

Memorial Day, originally called Decoration Day is a day of remembrance for those who have died in service of the United States of America. The observance we now call Memorial Day was borne out of the Civil War and a … Continue reading

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Oh Yea?

Argumentative, contrary, combative, confrontational, quarrelsome, cantankerous, scrappy — these words all describe people that are quick to argue. We all know people that one or more of these words would describe. Some people just like to argue and trying to … Continue reading

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Just A Number….

A few days ago, we attended an Aging Workshop at the local university. It was an all-day session and I must admit that I was disappointed in much of the presentation — not that it was bad, it just wasn’t … Continue reading

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May Madness

I’ve mentioned several times here that this time of year is always busy around here. The Kentucky Derby ( and the Gold Cup for you Virginians), Cinco De Mayo, our Anniversary, Kelly’s Birthday and Mothers’ Day all occur within about … Continue reading

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Happy Mother’s Day

Happy Mother’s Day to the three best Moms I know. They have all raised, or are raising, perfect kids. Happy Mother’s Day Claire, Kelly and Chassie!!! — 30 —

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I Think….

I was in a meeting the other day and the term “maintenance philosophy” was used. That got me to thinking about philosophy in general. I remember taking a philosophy course in school and I remember it didn’t make much sense … Continue reading

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Right to Riot?

Here I go wading in on something I don’t have all the facts about and I know it’s a sensitive subject that most or all people have an opinion. Freddie Gray died under mysterious circumstances while in police custody. During, … Continue reading

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