Monthly Archives: January 2015

What A Great Job

We got to spend the most time with Locke this week since he’s been born. The first time we saw him he was sleeping, at Christmas, he was awake some, but mostly just hungry. This time he had become a … Continue reading

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We’ve Opened the Gate

Well, the news today is still brimming with ‘Deflategate’ articles. I got to thinking about why the suffix ‘gate’ has become so popular to describe just about any sort of a scandal. This all started with a 1972 political scandal … Continue reading

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Since this topic seems to have topped the news for the past week and everybody else has weighed in on it, I guess I might as well mention it here. Of course I’m talking about that very serious, potentially catastrophic … Continue reading

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I read an article today that listed the most popular passwords for 2014. In case you didn’t see it, here’s the list: 123456           password          12345           12345678 … Continue reading

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Time Will Tell…

I don’t check Facebook very often, but a day or so ago I noticed our nephew, John, had referenced an article about time — it essentially said that people aren’t just “running late,” they’re basically just rude and inconsiderate. I … Continue reading

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A New Medium

Many (both) of you faithful readers are familiar with the history of this blog. Initially, we created a family web site with the intention of it being the “place to go” to find out about family activities, family recipes, and … Continue reading

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It’s Worse, or Maybe the Same….

Sometimes after playing golf or just visiting with a group of friends, the subject of government comes up. My participation in these discussions is usually limited to an occasional comment, but mostly I just listen. There are three or four … Continue reading

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Two Today

Another holiday to add to the Williamson Family Calendar…. Happy second (month) birthday to our grandson, Locke!! — 30 —

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Good Job, George

Ok — here we are charging into the new year. New Year’s Day has come and gone and in case you didn’t know, that is the most celebrated holiday around the world. As you faithful readers are aware, I’m a … Continue reading

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Not the First….

Now that all the New Year’s Eve celebrations are over and the hurtie heads are getting better, I got to thinking about those celebrations… A lot of communities around us and, I think, nationwide have “non-traditional” New Year’s Eve parties, … Continue reading

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