Monthly Archives: June 2018

How Come They Call Them That?

Got an e-mail this morning urging me to attend a flea market being held to raise money for some charity. Wonder why these things are called “flea” markets? They don’t sell fleas. Of course you could make the same argument … Continue reading

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Hood Ornaments

A few days ago I saw a recent model mini-van with a hood ornament. Obviously the ornament had been added and looked a little our of place on the vehicle. That got me to thinking about hood ornaments and after … Continue reading

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Someone to Look Up To

Well, here it is Father’s Day again… The first known Father’s Day service occurred at the Williams Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church South in Fairmont, West Virginia on July 5, 1908. (Another “first” for West Virginia.) Grace Golden Clayton had asked … Continue reading

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There are no words….

Every year at this time, I struggle for just the right words to say Happy Birthday to my true love — and every year, I fall short. Some things are very hard put into words, or at least words that … Continue reading

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Big Bang

A couple of weeks ago, Dave told me he was reading a book about significant events in history. One of the significant events was the dropping of the first atomic bomb on Hiroshima in Japan. The date was August 6, … Continue reading

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