Monthly Archives: December 2023


The new year is approaching — it’s a time when millions of people will celebrate. There’s lots of  New Year’s Eve traditions like the kiss at midnight, the champagne toast and the making of resolutions. Of course celebrating the arrival … Continue reading

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2023 in the Rear-View Mirror….

Well, here we are nearing the end of 2023…. I guess, to be honest, 2023 has just worn me down. It’s been a trying year — personally as well as on the world scene. Ongoing wars continued and new ones … Continue reading

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Yule Log

Since it’s still the Christmas season, I thought I’d share something kind of interesting that I ran across while looking for football playoff information. So the fact that I ran across this when looking for football information must be fate, … Continue reading

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If you’ve read this blog over the past few years, you know that today, December 28, is considered to be the unluckiest day of the year on the Christian calendar. If you’re interested in more details, you can check the … Continue reading

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Boxing day

Yesterday was Boxing Day — it lands on December 26 every year. It’s a day for giving, especially to the less fortunate. It’s the day after Christmas — of course it’s not as widely celebrated as Christmas here in the … Continue reading

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Today is the first day of Kwanzaa. There wasn’t a “Kwanzaa” when I was growing up — in fact, Kwanzaa didn’t exist until 1966. Kwanzaa is a week-long holiday celebrating African-American culture that was created by American professor Dr. Maulana … Continue reading

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Christmas Moon

As far as the Moon is concerned, this Christmas is kind of special. This December’s full Moon will rise around sunset for several nights in a row — December 25, 26 and 27. So this will kind of be a … Continue reading

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Star of Bethlehem

In keeping with the Christmas theme, I thought a good topic for today would be the Star of Bethlehem — was the star a real star, or was it some kind of a miraculous vision?  This is one of those … Continue reading

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It Is What It Is

We’re approaching Christmas — why do we celebrate Christmas every year on December 25? The short answer is that no one really knows. Like just about everything, lots of people have ideas and theories, but no one really does know … Continue reading

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Once Again — I Resolve

This year is coming to a close, so as I do every year around this time, I make New Year’s Resolutions. A lot of people don’t make resolutions for the new year, and a lot of people make resolutions that … Continue reading

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