Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk

Today, February 11, is a much celebrated day. It’s National Make a Friend Day, National Peppermint Patty Day — and — Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk Day. Since these three important holidays always fall on the same date, I have to choose one to celebrate every year — they’re all too important to “share.”

This year, it’s Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk Day. We’ve all heard the expression, “don’t cry over spilled milk” — it’s been around seems like forever. According to my extensive research, the first historical reference of the phrase occurred in 1659. No one really knows where and when it actually originated but it likely comes from European folklore. According to several old tales, fairies were very fond of milk and would drink up any spills left behind.

But regardless of the origin, it means don’t worry or stress over little things. So today is a day to think positive and try to find something good in everything that happens. Actually, that’s a good attitude to have regardless of what day it is. Enjoy life to it’s fullest and face each day with an optimistic attitude and a smile on your face.
Don’t worry — be happy!!
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