Monthly Archives: July 2018


In the late 50s, early 60s, I worked for the Federal Aviation Agency, located at Will Rogers Airport in Oklahoma City. I was also going to school at the time. The FAA facility in Oklahoma City was best known for … Continue reading

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Zip It

To finish what has turned out to be the Vietnamese Trilogy series, I’m reminded of another story about my time in Vietnam. I traveled fairly regularly from Saigon to various other locations outside of Vietnam but within the region. Often, … Continue reading

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A Thank You….

Another item that I ran across in addition the the Curfew Pass mentioned in my last post, was an “appreciation” gift. In Vietnam, one of my primary duties was to work with the Vietnamese military to establish a country-wide VHF … Continue reading

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I Got A Pass

A couple of days ago, while looking for something else, I ran across a couple of items from the past that I’d forgotten about. One was a curfew pass from Vietnam. During the war there was a curfew — depending … Continue reading

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Be A Dork

Today is Be a Dork Day. That got me to thinking about the word Dork. I remember dork, nerd, geek, and terms like those at one time being insults or certainly not something you’d call your best friend. The terms … Continue reading

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World Cup

The World Cup is in full swing and the excitement around here is almost unbearable. Is that sarcasm, you ask? Yes, yes it is. When I was growing up in Oklahoma, I never even heard of soccer. By the time … Continue reading

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Another Year Older

Those of you who check this blog annually know what’s coming today…. of course I wish America a happy 242nd birthday, but more importantly I want to remind everyone that the annual Porta Potty has arrived and that we’ll only … Continue reading

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