Monthly Archives: February 2020

Goodbye…. February

If you’ve been following along lately, you know that this year I’ve tried to be positive and not get “down” on my least favorite month — February. You’ll notice from the last few entries, I haven’t missed many opportunities to … Continue reading

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Yesterday’s blog discussed Tuesday. Today we’re going to talk about Wednesday – specifically, Ash Wednesday. Today, Catholics, and many other Christians, will have ashes applied to their foreheads in the shape of a cross. The ashes symbolize penance, mourning and … Continue reading

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Today is Tuesday — depending on where you’re from, or how you were raised, it may also be Mardi Gras, Fat Tuesday, Shrove Tuesday, Pancake Day or even Fasnacht Day. Today, February 25th is all of those. It’s the day … Continue reading

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Taj Mahal

I see in the news that President Trump has just visited the Taj Mahal during his trip to India. I visited the mausoleum in the late 60s, or maybe it was the very early 70s. I’m sure it’s gotten worse … Continue reading

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I Think I Can….

I read an article the other day — I think it may have been in an ARRP publication, that talked about a study that concluded that kids today can’t run as fast as previous generations. Without reading any further, if … Continue reading

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More February Cheer

Besides being the generally accepted date of George Washington’s real birthday, today is National Margarita Day. The February celebrations continue…. The margarita was originally created in Mexico in 1938. Various people have taken credit for “inventing” the margarita, so you … Continue reading

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Where’s the Beef

A couple of weeks ago we had guests for lunch. Claire served chili — I like chili and Claire makes really good chili. When I was growing up in Oklahoma, we ate “Texas chili” although we didn’t call it Texas … Continue reading

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West Virginia Humor

We drove by a Bar/Restaurant yesterday that had a sign out front that said,“Our Coronas are virus free!”I thought it was clever — and funny….— 30 —

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A Toast….

The festivities of February just go on and on — we have arrived at another of those great February Holidays. Today is National Drink Wine Day. I suppose as a public service, I should remind everyone to please drink responsibly. … Continue reading

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Third Monday of February

Well here we are nearing the end of February and still eagerly celebrating all these wonderful February holidays. Tomorrow is another one. If you read the papers or look on calendars, it’s President’s Day, or depending where you are, it … Continue reading

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