Monthly Archives: August 2023

Pretty Rocks

We have a store in Shepherdstown that I call the “witch’s store.” Of course, it’s not a witch’s store, but it sells all sorts of kind of neat stuff,and it has all kinds of “crystals.” Lots of people believe in … Continue reading

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Blue Moon

I guess we’ve all heard the phrase “once in a blue moon” — meaning that something happens not very often. In the context of astronomy, a blue moon is most commonly used when there’s a second full moon within a … Continue reading

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Butterfly Messengers

For the first 16 or 17 years of my life, I never heard of butterflies being associated with death. The first time I heard someone associate the two, I thought it was an interesting concept, but it was just that. … Continue reading

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Happy Valentine’s Day

Both faithful readers know that we don’t go out on Valentine’s Day (February 14) because the restaurants are always too crowded, many have limited menus and we just find it generally more trouble than its worth. We usually go out … Continue reading

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Mosquito Day

We’ve been gone and I didn’t get around to posting this yesterday…but I figured I shouldn’t let this kind of day go by withough mentioning it. So it’s a little late, but….They’re annoying summertime pests, but mosquitoes are also responsible … Continue reading

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Another Independence Day

Yesterday, 17 August was Indonesian Independence Day — I didn’t get around to mentioning it, I guess because I was pre-occupied with “Cat Nights.” I’ve mentioned before that I was in Jakarta one year for Independence Day and I usually … Continue reading

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Dog Days — Cat Nights

Today is August 17, and the beginning of Cat Nights. Back in July we discussed the “dog days of summer.” In August, the Dog Star Sirius is no longer visible in the predawn sky, bringing an end to the Dog … Continue reading

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Drink UP

Today, August 16, is National Rum Day. Quite a few years ago, rum was a very popular drink — at least with the crowd I associated with. Rum and Coke was popular and most gatherings usually featured a few pitchers … Continue reading

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Happy 76th or 77th

Last year at this time I mentioned that we have new residents across the circle from our house, and they are originally from India. So in the spirit of world harmony, I’d like to wish our neighbors a happy 76th, … Continue reading

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Memories or Pictures?

We have an ongoing project around our house — we have thousands of old photographs taken over the years and we’re making an attempt to organize them and scan them into a digital format. I’ve got the job of scanning … Continue reading

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