Monthly Archives: December 2018

Happy New Year

With the new year just hours way, I’m thinking about ordering a pizza at about 11:50 and when it arrives, asking what took so long, because I ordered it last year….. May the upcoming year bring more delight to you … Continue reading

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I Do Resolve in 2019

Oscar Wilde once said, “Good resolutions are simply checks that men draw on a bank where they have no account.” But as both faithful readers know,  I usually make New Year’s Resolutions because…. well, I really don’t know why — … Continue reading

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Bad Habits?

There’s been lots of news about the Catholic Church lately. But most of it centers around Priests and their mis-conduct. One group that, as far as I know, has escaped any criticism or scandal is the Nuns. Well, another bubble … Continue reading

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Grading Time

It’s almost New Year’s Resolutions time again and every year at this time, I take the time to review how I did with the ones I made last year. You may remember, or you can check back to last year’s … Continue reading

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Merry Christmas

Well, here it is time for my (sometimes) annual Christmas Blog. It’s been particularly busy around our house this year, lots of it not attributable to Christmas. Nonetheless, Christmas is almost here. It’ll be fun this year because we now … Continue reading

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All of us have people come into our lives at various times. Some stick around, some move on. But some of those people not only stick around, they become a part of our lives. Winfried was one of those people. … Continue reading

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Need to Know

When I was working, we had a procedure called “need to know.” This meant that if the information in question wasn’t necessary for you to do your job, you didn’t “need to know” the information. Over the years, I’ve used … Continue reading

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