Grouches’s Day

Today is Do a Grouch a Favor Day. We all know someone who is almost always grouchy and grumpy. It seems to be some people’s nature to just be grouchy. There have been a lot of famous people (both real and fictional) that fall into the grouch category.

Ebenezer Scrooge was a penny-pinching, Christmas-hating curmudgeon
Archie Bunker was about as grouchy and grumpy as you can get
I’d say that the cartoon character Maxine would qualify as a grouch
The Grinch — anyone that steals Christmas is certainly a grouch
Grumpy (of the Seven Dwarfs) is a grouch — maybe with people like Dopy, Sneezy, etc. around, he had good reason
Andy Rooney got paid to be a curmudgeon and tell us what was wrong with the world
And then there was the most famous grouch of them all — Oscar the Grouch

Grouches are eccentric, pessimistic, argumentative people. Being as grouchy and miserable as they possibly can be seen to be is a grouch’s main mission in life. A true grouch will never admit to being happy no matter what.

I think Do a Grouch a Favor Day is an excellent holiday. Grouches have a tough life. Of course, like everyone, we only see one side of a grouch — we usually never hear their side of the story. Maybe that grouchy person that you know is playing the hand he was dealt pretty well. Who knows what your favorite grouch might become with just a little kindness? So try to do him or her a favor today — or — at the very least raise a glass to that person.
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