Hearts and Ashes

It seems like we’re living in strange times lately… and 2018 is getting off to a pretty good start to being a strange year. We’ve already had a couple of full moons, super moons, blue moons and lunar eclipses, the groundhog predicted six more weeks of winter, the stock market suffered its biggest one day (point) loss in history and the Eagles won the Super Bowl.

Now if all that’s not enough, here it is Valentine’s Day — but — it’s not only Valentine’s Day, it’s also Ash Wednesday. This is the first time that Valentine’s Day and Ash Wednesday have fallen on the same day since 1945. Ash Wednesday can fall as early as February 4 or as late as March 10 and begins the fasting season of 40 days of Lent. Liturgical fasting during Lent emphasizes eating plainer food and refraining from “pleasurable foods,” such as meat, dairy and eggs. Valentine’s Day, although originally a Christian feast day is now a secular occasion pretty much set aside for lovers. Many, many people choose Valentine’s Day to dine out with a romantic dinner. If Valentine’s Day and Ash Wednesday coincide, it creates a problem. The Catholic Church is recommending people celebrate Valentine’s Day a day early this year — on what’s known as “Fat Tuesday.” In our household, we solved the problem years ago — all the restaurants became so crowded on Valentine’s Day, that we have, for many years, celebrated Valentine’s Day either before or after the 14th of February.

But 2018 isn’t done with messing with us… Ash Wednesday kicks off Lent, leaning up to — Easter! In 2018, Easter falls on April 1. April 1 is famously known as April Fools Day when, supposedly, the world at large play pranks on each other. Just like Ash Wednesday, Christians will have to do a little multi-tasking — like maybe a few pranks during the Easter egg hunt….
So far, 2018 seems to be doing a job of confusing holidays… I guess if it doesn’t mess up Talk Like A Pirate Day, I’ll be okay with it.
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