Charge — Your Batteries….

Time sure flies — here it is Battery Day again. One year ago, right here on this blog, a fairly long discussion of batteries ensued. To say the battery has changed our lives would be an understatement. I don’t know where batteries stand on the list of the most important inventions of all time, but I’d guess they are (or should be) near the top.

We often hear about the invention of the wheel being important — and it is, but when you think about it, a lot of wheels today turn via power supplied by a battery. A high percentage of toys with wheels are battery powered, skateboards, hover boards, scooters and even some bicycles run on batteries. The wheels on one of our cars are turned by a battery a good portion of the time — especially at the lower speeds.

Batteries continue to pop up in places and things that we never even knew needed batteries before. For many years I wore a watch… and never had to worry about replacing the battery — because there wasn’t one. Today, finding a watch that doesn’t have a battery is difficult — might even be impossible. At one time, candles were all lit with a match, or some source of fire — today, a lot are battery powered.

Of course, the list could go on and on — batteries are an integral part of our lives. So if some inanimate object deserves its own special day, I suppose it should be the battery…. Happy Battery Day!!
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