CNY — 2018

Well, January is in the books, and so far I’m doing good with my new year resolutions — now it’s time to think about another new year — Chinese New Year.

Chinese New Year begins on the new moon that comes between January 21 and February 20. This year, it’s February 16 and is the Year of the Dog. The year will end on February 4, 2019 when the Year of the Pig begins.

The western (or American) Zodiac has 12 “signs,” each covering a specific span of time. The Chinese Zodiac also has 12 “signs,” called blocks or houses – but each one has a time-length of one year instead of about one month for the western Zodiac. Each of the Chinese blocks or “signs” are named after animals. This year, the Year of the Dog, is the 11th animal in the cycle. The next Year of the Dog will be in 2030.

The years are allocated to each animal in a very specific order. According to an ancient Chinese folk story, the Jade Emperor had called 13 animals to a meeting and announced that the years on the calendar would be named according to the order in which they arrived. This led to “The Great Race.” The rat travelled on the back of the ox and leaped from his back to nab first place. The pig stopped for a snack and a nap… and arrived last. A cat was also in the race but drowned during the competition, leaving only 12 animals in the Zodiac.

Dogs symbolize luck to the Chinese. If a stray dog approaches a house, it is said to show that fortune is coming to the family. The animal is incredibly loyal to its owner whether or not the owner is wealthy. Plus, dogs bark to warn people if an intruder is nearby. Centuries ago, the Chinese would predict good or bad luck according to how many times a dog barked.

Lucky numbers for people born in the Year of the Dog are 3, 4, and 9; lucky colors are green, red and purple. Lucky flowers for dog people are the rose, oncidium and cymbidium orchids and their luck directions are east, southeast and south.

People born in the Year of the Dog are characterized as loyal, sociable, courageous, diligent, steady, lively, adaptable and smart. Not afraid of difficulties in day to day life, they have a harmonious dynamic with people in their lives.

I’m not sure how accurately Zodiac signs (western or Chinese) describe the characteristics of people born under their sign. Read the characteristics of people born in the Year of the Dog in the paragraph above — Donald Trump was born in the Year of the Dog… you be the judge. Happy Chinese New Year!!
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