The “S” Word

We spent some time at Dave and Chassie’s a couple of days ago. Rory and Ellie are getting bigger and beginning to act like little people — more aware of their surroundings and they smile and actually laugh out loud.

On the day we were there, Dave picked Locke up from his “school” and as he probably does most days, asked him what he learned in school… Locke’s answer was, “sex.” Dave asked, “sex??” Locke responded, “Yea.” “You learned about sex?” Again, the response was, “yea.” After a minute or so, Dave said, “do you mean the number six?” Locke replied, “yea… and five.”
Probably a few years ago, any dad or mom would just have assumed the conversation was about six — not sex.

I’m not sure what this tells us about modern education, or the modern world we live in… probably nothing, but I thought it was interesting. Being a granddad is a lot easier (and maybe even more fun) than being a dad.
— 30 —


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