Those Poor Birds

In yesterday’s blog, I mentioned that President Trump had a thing against wind power and especially windmills. Here’s his quote on the subject: 

“If you love birds, you’d never want to walk under a windmill, because it’s a very sad, sad sight. It’s like a cemetery. We put a little statue for the poor birds.”

I actually thought that even though he doesn’t seem to care much about, or show compassion about, people, that he really did have a soft-spot in his heart about birds. 

But then today, the news reported this :
“Interior Department officials said Thursday that they will propose regulations clarifying that individuals and industrial operators, such as oil, gas and wind companies, will not be penalized if they accidentally kill birds — even on a massive scale. … Since guidelines under the administration’s interpretation of the law were issued in April 2018, hundreds of ducks, geese, herons and migrating birds have perished in oil pits, on utility lines and in other operations without penalty, according to documents compiled by conservation groups.”

Maybe a lobbyist has a company that makes those little statues for the poor birds….
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