
I know you’ve heard this from me before, but here we are in February — my least favorite month. Every year I try to change my attitude about the month, but I haven’t made much progress. I suppose I could look at this second month of the year as a time for true new beginnings since by now a lot of people (not me) have already given up on their half-hearted New Year’s resolutions. I guess the month does have some redeeming qualities… celebration of love, a month to remember civil rights achievements, and February does have a couple of notable days dedicated to wine — the month contains both National Drink Wine Day and (the official) Open That Bottle Night. So, maybe its’s not all that bad. If we could just get rid of the cold weather and snow, it might be pretty good. And after all, it is two to three days shorter than every other month, and it does have its fair share of holidays and reasons to celebrate… we’ve got all these to look forward to — many of which I’ll probably be commenting about when they roll around. Groundhog Day, Lincoln’t Birthday and Valentine’s Day are all days to look forward to, but we’ve also got Susan B. Anthony’s Birthday, President’s Day and Mardi Gras — plus — this year we get an extra day — Leap Day on February 29.

February’s full moon, the Snow Moon, reaches peak fullness at 2:34 A.M. EST on Sunday February 9, 2020.
Even though there are many roses sold during February because of Valentine’s Day, the symbolic flowers of the month are the Violet and Primrose.
The violet signifies watchfulness, loyalty, and faithfulness. Give a violet to someone to let them know that you’ll always be there for them…
The primrose lets someone know that you can’t live without them…

So once again I’ll attempt to embrace February — I just realized that in addition to the two special wine celebration days, February 22 is National Margarita Day. Cheers to February!!!! 
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