It’s Not the Heat, or the Humidity — it’s the Wind

Haven’t heard too much about the wall being built along our southern border lately, but some news blew in last night. According to the news I read from a couple of sources, a section of the wall was taken down during “strong” winds. I put strong in quotes because these strong winds produced gusts of up to 37 miles an hour. Here in the West Virginia panhandle, we routinely get winds that gust to 37 miles an hour, or more. 37 mile an hour winds fall into the “Moderate gale” category of the Beaufort Scale. Supposedly, the sections footings hadn’t recently been poured and had not fully “cured.”

I suppose I could take this opportunity to make some smart-a** comments, like, I/m sure glad Humpty Dumpty wasn’t sitting on that wall or a big bad wolf huffed and puffed and blew that wall down, or build it and it will fall, or some such stupid thing… but it occurs to me that the President once said, “I hate wind.” Now I’m beginning to see why. The subject of wind often comes up at Presidential rallies, so I did a little extensive research and found these actual quotes made by President Trump:

I know windmills very much.
If it doesn’t blow, you can forget about television for that night.
I’m not going to lose that wealth on dreams, on windmills, which, frankly are not working all that well.
If you love birds, you’d never want to walk under a windmill, because it’s a very sad, sad sight. It’s like a cemetery. We put a little statue for the poor birds.
If you have a windmill anywhere near your house, congratulations. Your house just went down 75% in value.
They say the noise causes cancer.
I never understood wind.

So I think this latest incident clears up the President’s dislike for wind. I’m sure the wall section will be built back even stronger using the best quality materials, because I know no corners will be cut using our taxpayer money. 

Interestingly, on the same news page was story describing a large underground tunnel that had just bee found — it even had an elevator. The tunnel stretches from Tijuana, Mexico to San Diego. I’m not sure if moats are a deterrent to tunnels, but I’m confident Washington will come up with a solution.
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