150 Great Nights

Last night was a very special night at our house. As some of you know, we observe OTBN every month. Last night we celebrated OTBN CL (for those of you who are not Romans or Super Bowl fans, that’s 150 times we’ve observed our special night.)

Most of you know the story, but in case one of the spammers actually reads this blog, here’s a summation: The idea came from the “Tastings” column of the Wall Street Journal. The gist of the article is that everyone has a special bottle of wine they’re saving for a special occasion, but never get around to opening it. The article declared the last Saturday night in February Open That Bottle Night (OTBN) and suggested that everyone should just open that special bottle.

We celebrated our first OTBN the last Saturday night of February, 2007, and thought it was such a great idea, we’ve celebrated it the last Saturday night of EVERY month since that Saturday night in February of 2007.

OTBN is basically just about us — we have something to eat, light candles that are older than most readers of this blog, and talk and listen to each other. And last night was the 150th time we’ve carried out that ritual. It’s never gotten old, and we still look forward to it. Over the years, the subjects we’ve discussed have ranged from serious to funny — sometimes both at the same time. Sometimes OTBN lasts for hours… sometimes it’s fairly short. But it’s our time together… make that our special time together. I think I’ve said it before, but if you look forward to spending time with someone and you can share a good bottle of wine on top of it, it just doesn’t get much better.

Here’s to OTBN CL — and the next CL….
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